Sunday, June 1, 2008


I haven't posted in a few days because really I guess I don't know the words to describe what I'm dealing with right now. My work environment has turned upside down. Our "new" administrator fired our DON as soon as state walked out of our building on Thursday. That hurt me so bad. I miss her so much. It's just not the same place anymore. Everyone's on pins and needles worried about losing their jobs. The word out is that the administrator (who has been there before since I've been working and ended up walking out on us) has come back with a vengance and has a list of people that she didn't like before who she plans on firing. You can cut the tension in that building with a knife. I hate it.
The other thing is that someone (who probably had good intentions) decided to make it their business to tell me who I should and shouldn't be letting my almost 15 year old daughter go out with. (by going out, that means basically boyfriend/girlfriend- she doesn't GO OUT anywhere!)
Come on, give Greg and me some credit!! After all, she is OUR child, not theirs! I've talked extensively with her boyfriend's mom and I know that he went through a rough period dealing with his parents divorce. And yes, he acted out and did things he shouldn't have. So, does that make it right to label him "trouble" and apparently no second chances here??? All I know is that when I'm around him, he is incredibly polite, considerate, and seems like a good kid. He goes to church everytime the doors are open. At a softball game, he saw my mom trying to find the bathroom (it had started to get dark and we were in another town) so he went over and took her arm and walked her to the bathroom and waited out side the door for her to help her back to her seat. Yeah, that s "trouble" alright... I guess what made me really mad was that this person didn't even know anything about him. It was coming from her husband who thinks he's so much better than us that he doesn't even say 2 words to me or Greg, even though we take care of his daughter the majority of the time. I'm just really tired of people trying to make my business their business. I didn't take it as coming from a concerned person; I took it badly.

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