Tuesday, July 22, 2008

First day at the new job

Well, I survived my first official day at my new job. Luckily, I had someone there helping me. Today I'm headed to Texarkana to the main clinic for computer training. That will help a lot. I really think I'm going to like it there, or at least I will once I know what I'm doing!!
Sarah made it through her first day of driver's ed. Only one other person in the class with her, and he hasn't taken his written test yet so Sarah is the only one who can actually drive in the car. I'm so glad Mr. Poole is doing this and not me!! I can't take the stress!!!

1 comment:

--David said...

Mr. Poole said she is doing great. I embarrassed her by telling everyone we saw today that she drove on the interstate for the first time. We enjoyed her company today...especially Em.