Sunday, June 8, 2008


Today after church, Sarah and I went to Texarkana to the mall. We decided to get our hair cut (Sarah's is adorable!!). Well, the whole point to this story is that I got my hair cut by a man named Dave. Some of you won't get the amusement factor. But some of you most definitely will!! All I could think about was "Dave is cutting my hair". Nevermind that this Dave was probably in his 50's and had a ponytail that hung midway down his back. I just found the whole idea funny. (On another note, I really like my haircut. He did a good job!)
Jessica has the worst sunburn of her life. She spent the night with a friend and her friend's dad let them stay in the pool most of the day. Boy is she burned!!
Vacation bible school starts at church tonight. Sarah is going to help out. She's also in a skit for Tuesday night. I think all the kids are excited about it. I really like going to church at Park. The Pastor is great! He was raised in the Assemblies of God church and his preaching shows that. I really have enjoyed it.
Until next time...


--David said...

What really would have been funny is if DAVE really HAD cut your hair. I can't wait to see the haircuts. Sarah told us about her skit, sounds really cute.--Shan

--David said...

Heh-heh, I'm sure you got a MUCH better hair cut from that Dave than you would have from THIS one! :-)